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The question is

Changing behaviour requires a change in mindset. Join us on this journey as we discuss everything from ‘how we think’ to techniques and shortcuts to help us shape our thoughts to help us achieve our goals. We will be asking a range of questions about how the way that we think shapes our ability to change, be more productive and lead effectively.

128 – What are my Values?
byThinking Focus

Another podcast in our mini series exploring some of the questions that come up in coaching sessions, in this episode of the podcast, Richard and Paul discuss the questions that is asked without ever being asked, what are my values?

Values are at the heart of behaviours, driving both purpose and actions. Yet, we are often oblivious to them and their impact on our decisions and perceptions of the world.  Paul and Richard explore their influence on our lives, how you can find out what your values are, and the ways they change at different stages of our lives.

HOSTED BY Thinking Focus

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This podcast is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal, medical, tax, or financial advice. Views expressed in this podcast may not be those of our management.